
Drama and Music Theatre - Master of Arts (M.A.)

As production dramaturges, the students supervise all productions of the Theaterakademie August Everding. In addition, in the 2nd semester a course project is realised, a free project development in cooperation with experienced theatre makers.

In addition, the dramaturgy course, together with the religious scholar Prof. Dr. Michael von Brück and the Udo Keller Foundation Forum Humanum, organizes the annual series of events "Religion kontrovers", which combines religion, art and science.

All you need is (___)



en face: 6 Portraits


Dancer in the Dark

Studiengangsprojekt des 1. Jahrgangs 2015: War da was?

Studiengangsprojekt des 1. Jahrgangs 2014: Saving the Lemmings

Studiengangsprojekt des 1. Jahrgangs 2013: Heldenkeller

Studiengangsprojekt des 1. Jahrgangs 2012: OBserving Bundeswehr