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Course to become an actor / actress for the stage, film and television - Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) / Master of Arts (M.A.)


The following requirements must be met for admission to the Bachelor's programme

  • General university entrance qualification or general university entrance qualification according to § 29 QualV
    Note: The Theaterakademie August Everding may allow exceptions, provided that exceptional talent and aptitude as well as at least an intermediate school leaving certificate are proven in the aptitude test. Proof of education of students who have been acquired abroad is only considered proof of the general university entrance qualification or proof of the general university entrance qualification if it has been recognized by the Munich University of Music and Drama. Foreign certificates will only be accepted in officially certified translations (English certificates do not need to be translated)
  • The timely registration with all necessary attachments. Transfer of the application fee of € 30.
  • The passing of the aptitude test at the Theaterakademie August Everding
  • Fluency in written and spoken German

Appitude test procedure


The aptitude test consists of a three-stage procedure in which various skills are tested. In stages I and II, applicants are tested individually. In the third stage, group examinations are added.

Aptitude Test Level I
Audition of three independently prepared role excerpts of free choice. One of these must be a text in bound language (also called verse form). An excerpt from a modern play is desirable.

Aptitude Test Level II
Audition of the role excerpts already shown in the aptitude test level I in front of the entire commission. The examination board sets tasks to test the preparation of the content, the imagination, the physical flexibility, the playful flexibility and the imagination of the applicants.

Aptitude Test Level III
The following aptitudes are tested in group or individual work:

  • Improvisation with conversation to get to know the personality
  • Role work
  • Partner reference
  • Speech formation
  • Musicality and rhythm
  • Movement
  • vocal and physical aptitude

There is no obligation on the part of the commission to examine all applicants in all points. The result of the aptitude test will be communicated in writing. A failed aptitude test may be repeated twice.

List of documents to be submitted

Bachelor of Arts

  • fully completed registration form
  • Detailed curriculum vitae in table form with proof of previous artistic activities.
  • Copy of birth certificate or identity card or passport or residence permit
  • Copy of the last school report
  • Proof of general higher education entrance qualification or general higher education entrance qualification according to § 29 QualV
  • If you are severely disabled, please enclose a medical certificate. In this case, please make an appointment for an information session before registering.
  • If applicable, certificate of enrolment from the current university.
  • Justification of the desired course of study
  • Proof of payment of the aptitude test fee in the amount of 30 € (copy of the bank statement or cash deposit slip)
  • Three independently prepared role excerpts of your choice. One of these must be a text in bound language (also called verse form). An extract from a modern play is desirable (please bring a list of your selected monologues to the Level I examination). The monologues should be approx. 5 minutes each.

Please note the data protection information in connection with the registration for the aptitude test

Application Deadlines

Bachelor of Arts

The next possible start date for the program is 10th March 2025.


The aptitude procedure is divided into three stages. Only those who pass all stages of the procedure are admitted to the study program. Prerequisite for the admission to the aptitude test stage II is the passing of the aptitude test stage I. Prerequisite for admission to the Qualifying Examination Level III is the passing of the Qualifying Examination Level II.
The first two semesters of study taken are considered a probationary period.


  • Qualifying Examination Level I
    11th November 2024 resp.
    4th, 5th, 6th, 9th and 10th December 2024.

    Participants will be assigned to either 4th, 5th, 6th, 9th and 10th December 2024 depending on the number of applications for December.

    Please note the respective application deadlines:

    For the 11th November 2024 exam: 30th September 2024.
    For the exam on 4th, 5th, 6th, 9th and 10th December 2024: 31st October 2024. The invitations for this will be sent by post from around 13th November.
  • Qualifying Examination Level II
    13th, 14th, 15th and 16th January 2025 (all applicants who have reached level II will be assigned to one of the four dates)
  • Qualifying Examination Level III
    21st and 22nd January 2025 (Stage III takes place on both days for all applicants who are in Stage III)

Subject to change without notice.


Application Fee

A fee of € 30 will be charged for taking part in the aptitude test. Please transfer the amount to the account below before the application deadline and enclose evidence of the transfer with your application (copy of a statement of account or a cash payment receipt):

Bayerische Landesbank
IBAN: DE75 700500000001190315

Under "Verwendungszweck" (purpose), please quote the following reference number:
7032 011 03-0 156501-9 Schauspiel; and the applicant's name.

Semester Fees

A basic contribution of € 85 is charged per semester as a student union membership fee. The semester ticket for public transport has been abolished, which is why students are recommended to purchase the Deutschlandticket.


Master of Arts

The next possible start of studies is the winter semester 2025/2026.
The application deadline for this will be announced in good time. Due to the upcoming revision of the curriculum, all contents and modules will be revised. Therefore, unfortunately, no new students can be admitted to the Master's programme in Acting for the winter semester 2024/2025. Therefore, there will be no aptitude test for the Master's programme in Acting in 2024.

The following requirements must be met for admission to the Master's programme

  • A first professional university degree or equivalent qualification from Germany or abroad in the field of acting
  • The existence of the regulated aptitude procedure at the Theaterakademie August Everding
  • The timely registration with all necessary attachments. Transfer of the application fee of € 30
  • Fluency in written and spoken German


Master of Arts

  • Registration form
  • Tabular curriculum vitae including previous artistic activities
  • copy of birth certificate or identity card or passport or residence permit
  • copy of the university/college degree certificate (Bachelor of Arts in Drama) including Transcript of Records or last interim certificate with a confirmation of the university attended, at which time the degree was obtained
  • Proof of previous study periods and university examinations (Academic Transcript)
  • Justification of the desire to study
  • Proof of the paid aptitude test fee of 30 € (copy of bank statement or cash deposit receipt).
  • Exposé or conception/project planning of a theatrical idea. Based on the individual interests of the candidate, this includes projects that deal with specific ways of embodiment, acting and performative processes, address problems of acting practice and/or stylistic issues or project specific working methods and forms. Projects are also possible that address acting activities outside the theatre (media speaking, film, television etc.). Equally possible are also questions from the field of acting didactics, which deal with specific acting methods or didactic problem areas in a reflective manner; (maximum three DIN A4 pages, font size 12, line spacing 1, font: Times New Roman)

Please note the data protection information in connection with the registration for the aptitude test


Studiengang Schauspiel
Theaterakademie August Everding
Prinzregentenplatz 12
81675 München